Support in tools::Rdiff() for comparing uncompressed PDF files is further reduced – see its help page.
apropos() gains an argument dot_internals which is used by the completion ( help(rcompgen)) engine to also see base internals such as.Use of useBytes = TRUE for performance reasons should no longer be needed and is discouraged: it may lead to incorrect results.
The performance of grep(), sub(), gsub() and strsplit() has been improved, particularly with perl = TRUE and fixed = TRUE. Regular expression functions now check more thoroughly whether their inputs are valid strings (in their encoding, e.g. Such a warning can be specifically suppressed or caught otherwise. xy.coords() and xyz.coords() and consequently, e.g., plot(x,y, log = "y") now signal a classed warning about negative values of y (where log(.) is NA). toeplitz() is now generalized for asymmetric cases, with a toeplitz2() variant. The error object and message now give line and column numbers, mostly as proposed and provided by Duncan Murdoch in PR#18328. The parser now signals classed errors, notably in case of the pipe operator |>. (No new subroutines have been added, so this almost entirely bug fixes: Those fixes do affect some computations with NaNs, including R's NA.) The LAPACK sources have been updated to version 3.11.0. (This completes the transition to LAPACK 3.10.x begun in R 4.2.0.) This may give some different signs in SVDs or eigendecompositions. The included LAPACK sources have been updated to include the four Fortran 90 routines rather than their Fortran 77 predecessors. (This caused some platform-dependent changes to package check output.) And then to the sources from LAPACK version 3.11.0 (with changes only to double complex subroutines). The included BLAS sources have been updated to those shipped with LAPACK version 3.10.1. Calling & or || with LHS or (if evaluated) RHS of length greater than one is now always an error, with a report of the formĮnvironment variable _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_ no longer has any effect.
De changelog van deze uitgave ziet er als volgt uit: Significant User-Visible Changes Het R-coreteam, dat zich vandaag de dag bezighoudt met de doorontwikkeling, heeft kort geleden versie 4.3.1 uitgebracht met de titel Beagle Scouts. In R is programmeren sterk objectgeoriënteerd en de functionaliteit kan uitgebreid worden via packages die onder andere via cran beschikbaar worden gesteld. Het werd oorspronkelijk ontworpen door Ross Ihaka en Robert Gentleman (vandaar de naam R) aan de Universiteit van Auckland, Nieuw-Zeeland. R is een ontwikkelomgeving en programmeertaal voor statistische en data-analysedoeleinden.